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Just an Ordinary Day in the Life of an Ordinary Girl

The path takes you along exotic green flowers, pink roses and angelic statues all the way to the back of the garden. You walk in the direction of one of the huge weeping-willows that are blocking your view. You wonder what is behind it. You feel your feet get wet as you leave the path on the left side and step on the grass. You now notice how uncomfortable your shoes are. Although you know it's not very lady-like to go barefoot, you do it anyway. The grass feels soft and cool and relaxes your feet as you walk over to the tree. What is it hiding?
You gently push some branches aside and are amazed by what you see. This beautiful garden even holds a small lake! In the middle of the lake there is a small fountain, which a couple of ducks are using for a shower. The water is not particularly clear, but it doesn't seem to be polluted in any way.

More to your left you can make out a wooden sign, standing in the water. It's too far away to see what's on it and you decide to walk over to it. As you come closer you are able to read the text. It says:

Caution, dangerous species
Do NOT touch the water

Wow, you think to yourself. What kind of fish could possibly be that dangerous? You remember having heard about creatures called sharks once, but they obviously do not live anywhere near Elmer's Hollow or you would have seen at least one in your life.

You decide to leave it and go back to the house where you are being expected. But just when you turn around you see some sort of shiny object from the corner of your eye. You walk to the bank of the lake to take a closer look. Something seems to glitter just underneath the surface.
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