The Great Sael Adventure 1

Paul and Todd step forward, willing to face their fate. They spy an island not too far from the edge of the ship, and using ASL (which they learned to communicate with their old buddy Fred) they communicate to each other that they will swim to the shore of the island and everything will be alright with full knowledge that the Commodore does not know ASL.

They walk the plank, one at a time. They bob up to the surface and swim in unison, doing the breaststroke, toward the island. The remaining crew members shed mezzoforte tears as one mumbles what might well have been, "That's beautiful."

While Paul and Todd make their escape to Party Island, you realize that other than you and the Commodore, there are only two crew members left. You do not have the manpower to make it to shore, and there is not enough room on Party Island for all of you. You have made a poor decision, and you realize that Paul and Todd are the ones who deserve to live while you will end your days aboard the Bonnie with nowhere to run.
End Of Story