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You and Farawyn walk in silence for what seems like hours. You're sure Farawyn wouldn't lead you in circles, yet the trees and plants seem to be repeating themselves. Your legs begin to grow weary from the monotonous walking. As though Farawyn senses this, he stops and turns to you.

"Why did you enter the forest, my friend?"

"I had never stepped foot onto this soil before and longed to see what it held," you replied, hoping that the answer would satisfy Farawyn.

"Ahh, an adventurous spirit. I suspect this is not the first journey you have embarked upon?"

You smile and flex. "Nature holds many enchanting and mysterious secrets I wish to explore. I feel rooted in it somehow, as though it is more a part of me than an average man."

"Hm, these feelings are not baseless. However, I must warn you, thinking all life is kind is foolish and dangerous. There are terrors in these forests the wildest eye cannot imagine."

Farawyn turns and continues to walk through the trees. Minutes ago you would have thought it rude to command attention from your guide, yet now you cannot help but blurt out a question that has been plaging your mind.

"Farawyn," you say with slight reservation, "You know me...don't you?"

Farawyn lowers his head and after a moment his eyes meet yours. They seem much different now. For the first time, they appear...sad.

"Yes, though I fear I cannot explain how right now. Know you came to me through no intention of your own."

Before you could ask for more of an explanation, eight hooded figures much like Farawyn stepped through the shadows.

"Is this him?" the shadow in front asks.

"Yes," replied Farawyn motioning to you, "He does not know the reason for which he has been called, though he questions my intentions."

"Very well," said the hooded figure as he turned to you. "Choose now, do you trust us or do you wish to be returned to a home outside of these woods?"
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