
You realize although you are stuck here at July 15, 2005. You can do anything you want. But there is still that chance what if you wake up after doing something stupid and now you have to live with it and the date has finally changed.

You start pacing around the living room. Hmmmm what have I always wantedto do? But was always afraid. Sure there is Rebecca, the boss is an asshole you'd like to go in kick his ass.

Then it comes to you......
Go to work,
Kick the bosses ass,
then try gettin it on with Rebbeca.
Wake up the next morning and it never happened start all over with something new. Wooohoooo! this can be great after all!

You grab on a pair of blue jeans and your leather jacket and leave the house but why take the bus when you can car jack someone and steal their car.

You have 2 choices:

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