
"Cabby, to the nearest bar!"

Finally the cab arrives at 17555 W. Main St. at George's pub and grill. You pay the cabby some cash and walkin side and straight up to the bar. Hours go by as you pound down beer after beer after beer. You look down at your wallet and it's empty. Then ahh hell why not.

"Beer is on my!" you buy a round of beers for everyone inside. The bartender passes them out and then rings up your bill.

"Okay sir, that will be $135.00" you laugh as you slap him a couple of times with an empty wallet.

"Haaa haaa *hiccup* haaa you silly bastard hahaha *hiccup*"

The bartender grabs your arm and gives you a swift kick in the ass out the door as you go fling out the door and fall flat on you butt.

You hobble your way home and fall on the couch but not before vomitting all over the carpet.

"Ahhh *hiccup* fuck it" you say to yourself as you pass out cold drunk.

You have 1 choice:

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