
The alarm clock rings . I lift my hand lazily to turn it off . It's already 6 : 50 . I woke up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeths . I hate this life and that's all thanks to the maths test I was to do today . I suck at mathematics , well , no one doesn't except that weirdo in school who by some luck happens to get the best grades in everything . Sometimes I just feel that some people are blessed while others aren't , me being one of them . I guess I deserve this , since am just a 16 year old , single and happens to have no talent . People say god gives everyone at least something , like an ability or a talent , but that contradicts with me . Too bad cause I myself don't believe in god , if he really exist then I shouldn't have come last in everything . Anyway , Save this for later cause I will be late to school .

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