Gotham's Story

You look forlornly at the data screen in front of you. Its truly ingenious what they've done this time, no doubt about it. It's still a mystery who organized it all. Was it the Joker, even with his antisocial behavior and chaotic strategy? Was it Mister Freeze, with his mighty physical strength and whatever remains of his fractured mind? Surely not the Penguin, but he has surprised you with his strategic mind in the past. You are tempted to rule out Bane, but you know not to underestimate that villain. Nevertheless, someone- somehow- has banded all of Gotham's villains together in a blatant strategy to end your life.
You obviously ignored the situation for far too long. After losing Jason and keeping Tim quiet, you spent too much time brooding in your cave and things piled up. Tim was disappointed, but once you removed the evidence from his possession, he no longer had anything to hold over you. Now every one of your rogue's list of villains that isn't currently holed up in Arkham is holding City Hall for ransom.
You are alone, but you are not helpless. Within minutes, you have the Batmobile parked outside of City Hall.
"'Bout time you got here," you hear Gordon say. He doesn't look at you but keeps his eyes on the building just like every other member of the police barricade. "Do you have a plan, because I've run out on my end."
"I'm going in," you curtly reply. "And I'm taking them down."
"And if that doesn't work?" But you are already flying towards the roof, attached to your grapple gun. You hit the window of the top floor with the heel of your boot and roll into the building. The lights are off, but you feel the presence of several people in the room around you. With a quiet cracking sound, you notice the wall you came through freeze up with a thick layer of ice.
"Freeze! Where are you?!" You yell, but there is no response. A light comes on in the center of the room. Oswald Cobblepot, otherwise known as the Penguin steps forward in an impeccable tuxedo and monocle.
"He's not taking orders from you, Batman," He chides, condescendingly. Cobblepot must be the leader, then. "I'm glad you could arrive though. We've all been waiting to see you."
"Enough games, Cobblepot. Release your hostages now or else."
"I'm afraid there will be a problem with that," Cobblepot says as he gestures to the rest of the room. The lights come on and you see the Joker and Killer Croc standing over the bleeding and mutilated bodied of Gotham's local government. You can barely make out which one is the Mayor. What comes as more of a shock is the sheer enormity of villains that occupy the room. There must be close to a hundred, ranging from the lowliest thug to Harley Quinn, to Scarecrow and Solomon Grundy. All of them are armed and ready to pounce.
At a peak of anxiety, you reach a sudden calm. You know how the evening will end. With a serene turn of your head, you imagine that you see Jason beside you, dressed again in his Robin costume.
"Come one, Boss," he says with a smile. "We can take'em!"
You grin at your hallucination and turn back to Cobblepot.
"We sure can, Jason."
You leap at the Penguin and he falls unconscious in one strike, before anyone can respond. In milliseconds, they are upon you and you fight back with everything that you have. the foes fall before you by the twos and threes, but they keep coming and you know your end is near. You let go of your body and let it keep fighting with all the energy it has left.
You close your eyes and hope with your last breaths to be able to see Jason again...
End Of Story