Harry Potter Adventure

You run down the stairs and into the kitchen with a smile on your face. Both your parents are working away in the kitchen making piles of delicious foods and placing them on the table. Your mouth waters just looking at it. Your dad looks up and says, "Well, there's the birthday girl! How did you sleep?" "I slept fine," you responded with a grin. "We thought we'd let you sleep in, today since it's your birthday," your mother remarked. You sat down at the table. Your mother placed a plate of your favorite breakfast in front of you and kissed your forehead. "Happy Birthday, honey," she said. You happily dug in and your parents sat down to join you. After you had finished your mother took your dishes and talked to you about the day's plans as you listened with interest. "I took the day off so we can have fun all day," she exclaimed. You father eventually left for work, but not without wishing you a happy birthday and promising to bring home a surprise. You and your mother headed out and spent a lot of the day shopping. You arrived home in the late afternoon. As you got out of the car, you saw something very strange; it was an owl perched on your mailbox. You pointed it out to your mother and she excitedly took out her camera to get a picture. You didn't know if owls had distinctive emotions, but you swore that the owl ruffled its feathers importantly and puffed out its chest with pride when she snapped the photo. You walked in and put away all your things. When you came back downstairs, your dad had arrived home. His surprise was a huge cake and a few special gifts. All in all, your day had been perfect, but you had no idea how strange it was going to become...

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