Stuck with John

"You may want a breath mint, your breath smells like morning if you know what I mean." You explain.
John quirks his brow and then smirks, "oh is this smelly?" He opens his mouth wide and breathes heavily over you. His light pink tongue quivers in his mouth as he exhales. You gag.
"Stop it!"
John only smiles and opens his mouth again, his tongue pulls back for a second before flattening down as he unleashes a mighty belch. BUUUUUUAAAAAAAUUUUAAAARRRRRRRPPPPP!!!!!!!! The smell of acid, digested meat, and morning breath hits you in the face. Flecks of saliva land on you. John closes his maw. "How was that?" The cocky teen guffaws.
"Disgusting." You proclaim
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