Gotham's Story

You are no longer The Bat. The League- no, your League has taken to referring to you as the new Ra's al Ghul. For some, those acolytes who were close to you during training, the transition was easy and they accepted your authority as soon as they found out about their master's demise. Others simply follow you because of the fear that you instill when they consider the strength and power you must possess to have been able to defeat Ra's. It is no matter to you. You have their devotion and that is all the Demon's Head requires.
Your missions are now issued across the world. You use smaller teams than your predecessor and divide your forces more, but as assassins, that is to their strength. You are now farther reaching than the League has ever been and there is not a single large government that does not whisper your name in fear. They know what comes to those who cross you.
With this power, you have also garnered the attention of the ones who call themselves the Justice League. To your great frustration, they have interfered with some of your missions because that big-headed Kryptonian doesn't agree with your methods. It has taken time to build respect and trust, but now they know their place and allow you to do your work. You both have the same goals after all.
The Lazarus Pit still vexes you. The power of immortality would have numerous uses, but can that power be entrusted to one man? Even yourself? And the side effect of madness that plagues those who use it should be reason enough. It would seem that the best solution would be to train a successor. A Ra's al Ghul to replace you should you fall. But a suitable protege has yet to appear.
For now, it seems, the Pits are a necessary evil...
End Of Story