Gotham's Story

The planning alone took a month, but the plans execution took less than a fortnight. The entirety of the League infiltrated the city by means of stowing away on cargo ships, using false identities, or underground tunnels. There were four teams: One in uptown Gotham, one for the docks, one for Arkam Asylum, one assaulting the area around Crime Alley. You place yourself in charge of the Crime Alley division. At your signal, the League attacks all of their targets at once.
The goal is to remove sources of corruption in the city. The government officials are either eliminated or threatened. The heavy pollutants in the dock factories are disables and dismantled. The criminals that are given leniency by being placed in Arkam are killed. In Crime alley, you seek out the crime lords and mob bosses that abuse the citizens of your city. Black Mask, Cobblepot, Stone, and a score of others fall to your hand. Finally, you find Carmine Falcone.
Falcone has been a mob boss in Gotham for thirty years. His web is extensive and corrupt and deserves an end. More importantly, you discovered from your information agents that he is the one who ordered the hit on your parents. He gave the gun to Joe Chill and made you an orphan. He never saw a day of prison for it.
You break in the window to his bedroom and hear a scream. Falcone, scrambles out of bed and attempts to flee, but age makes him slow and uncoordinated. He falls into a cowering heap in the corner. You know your armor gives a frightening visage, but the crime lord of Gotham should be less of a coward.
You look at him now and think of your parents. He should suffer for what he's done, but the weak, old man on the floor is almost pitiable. You now consider what you have gained from that fateful night. You are stronger, smarter, more skilled than any other person on the planet. You are the leader of and organization that instills fear in countless nations. You have Talia as your wife now.
No, you are not angry at this man. He is just another cog in the machine of corruption that plagued Gotham for too long. You end his life quickly.
With your mission done, you recall the League of Assassins and return to Nanda Parbat. Gotham has suffered a grievous wound, but it will heal stronger than before now that those who seek to pollute the city are gone.
And should Gotham be consumed by villainy again, you will return.
Bruce Wayne, The Demon's Head, will return...
End Of Story