The Five Worlds

We went along a long dark and wet path, a smell of rotten meat filled my nose. “It is disgusting!” I felt uncomfortable and complained to the guard. “Yeah, certainly…uh, I mean, the building material is not waterproof and here rained days ago.” “I see…” I was still suspecting because this is a path underneath the palace, the material must be chosen to be the best. “Watch out, there are stairs in front of us!” At the same time, the light was on. I looked at the flickering light and then look downstairs, the light couldn't reach the bottom of the stairs, even a bit. “Shoot, that’s scary!” I said and followed the guard. I promise that this was the longest stairs I’ve walked, ever! Finally I reached the bottom, I felt a century was gone. And all of a sudden, I touched a dry, wrinkled hand! “Ahhhhhh, freak!” I screamed, “That’s me, don’t be afraid!” The guard shouted, and let me calm down. I took a deep breath, and realized that the hand must not be the guard’s. If the hand must belong to a person, then I guess that person must be over 100 years old. It seemed that the guard tried to hide something, but I have no choice, he had a gun and the only thing I can do was to follow him. Minutes later, we stood in front of a door, he took out a key and unlocked the door. Strong light crashed into my horizon, and a shiny and well-decorated room shown up! The only thing in the room was a huge round and weird mirror with dark red covering. Seconds later I ultimately found out that the guard disappeared and the door was locked! “So you want me to get along with this mirror?”

You have 1 choice:

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