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The Five Worlds

I kept going and going around, I’m right in the market and it was the biggest and fanciest market I’ve ever seen. I was deeply attracted by peculiar goods selling there, like floating fish, laser glasses… Those high tech and magic things made me felt excited. As I go along the main street, suddenly a hand hit my shoulder, with a familiar voice, “Hey Simon!” It was Jerry, I turned to him with surprise and curiosity and asked, “Jerry, you are so quick, is there any thing interesting in the yard?” “Of course……” Jerry said with a weird smile, at the moment a sense of fear covered my mind. “Bang! I’m scaring you, ha-ha!” It seemed that Jerry played a trick on me, “There was nothing interesting, only fog and rips there.” Jerry walked forward and I followed him, we saw so much unbelievable things that we acted like kids, soon we met the fork of the street, with no hesitation, he said, “I’m going this way, we’ll meet at tomorrow afternoon here, bye!” “Okay…” With no choice, I went the other way and I soon met a guard. He recognized me like we are old friends but actually I don’t know him. “Hey Simon, I’m Peter the Great’s guard, he told me to bring you and play around, follow me.” He guided me to an underground basement.

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