Four Kingdoms, The

You put the DVD into the player.

The movie begins with a man walking onscreen. He holds up a copy of the bible. "The answers to all your questions about the zombie apocalypse—are in here."

The man opens the bible and the words "Daniel 7" pop on-screen.

"In the old testament, Daniel identified to King Nebuchadnezzar four beasts that he had seen in a dream. A beast like a lion with eagle's wings, but the wings were plucked off; A beast like a bear, raised up on one side, with three ribs between its teeth; A beast like a leopard with four wings and four heads; A fourth beast, with large iron teeth and ten horns. Scholars have agreed the first beast represented England. The wings torn off represented the United States. The bear represented Russia, whose national symbol is a bear. The leopard represented Germany, which used Leopard tanks. The fourth beast was prophicied to be a combination of the first three, therefore being a combination of England, Russia, and Germany, the final kingdom on Earth. All these countries fell during the zombie apocalypse—or did they? Professor Michael Stone doesn't think so, and he has done award-winning research on the subject. According to biblical prophecy, all three of these kingdoms should rise again—will they?"

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