The Life of Nora

You decide to got to the dance trials, you have outgrown your old studio anyway. You have seen posters town for this troupe and it seems like it will give you plenty of new opportunities.

When you turn up there seems to be a lot of young hopefuls around and you know that you can beat them. You got up to the registrar and after signing the paperwork you read your set of instructions.....

1. choose a song to make a solo dance routine
2. Talk to one of the staff members to show you to your practise space
3. Choreograph and practise your routine
4. line up for performance
5. Wait in the side room for conclusions

You see a lady with a orange t-shirt on and holding a clipboard once you walk over to her she shouts "Name?" "Fernwood, Nora Fernwod" you reply "lucky you, your upstairs in practise room 5 and your superviser will be......" a glum look comes across her face "Isador Fyfland."

You find your way to the practise studio 5, you now understand why she called you lucky you are the only person assigned to the room that hasn't already signed in and out. When you walk inside there is a boy around your age in the corner who is on his phone.

You flip through the songs on your ipod when you come across only teardrops by Emmilie de Forrest. A single tear slides down your cheek and hits the screen of your ipod. That was always Clara's favourite song, you remember when the accident happened, mum cried for weeks on end, in that period she only smiled once, when louis got his only A ever. He had a poetry assignment and his feelings came out then. Clara was obsessed with the Eurovision song contest, you remember her home-made Eurovision Star's weekly calendar with quotes and photos, if she lived she would have been able to finish those last few weeks. You remember how she was a star in the dance world, you remember that phone call, Mum burst into tears and couldn't finish the call, afterwards you became a big group of blubbering and hugs listening to only teardrops. At the school fete you remember how you made a petition to have more laws about speeding in high-pedestrian areas.

You decide to se that song, the emotion of Clara's death and everything inside you just comes out. Isador looks up from his phone "ready already?" he asks "I guess" you reply "well, you're way better then the loosers that I've seen" you don't know why but hearing him say that makes you glow inside.

You're inline ready to perform, there are about 5 people infront of you. Suddenly you hear shouting and someone runs out crying "tough croud." you say to the person infront of you. "yeah." she replies though she really didn't know what you said. Time passes quickly and it is now your turn to perform.

You open the double doors and walk into the huge room, at a tressle table in the middle of the room sat four people, Two young blonds and two middle aged brunette women. You already feel like you belong here, Isador is in here and hooks you ipod up to the sound system. You get into your starting position and the music starts to play, you feel like there's a spotlight on you but you're the only person in the world, you feel free, you feel free for the first time since Clara died, everything that has held you down the last three years is flowing out and you feel free. The music stops and you hold your final position, Isador stares at you, you hold his gaze for a moment and then he looks away and gives you the thumbs up. You stand up, the look on the judging panel's faces tell you that they're pleased, you walk into the room to the side of the huge concert hall.

After half an hour the judges walk into the room and recite names until there are only a few people in the room. A girl named Sophie, a breakdancer called Oscar, a younger dancer called Becky and you. They say that you are the top dancers that tried out though you are all amazing though they can only select one dancer etc. "and that spot goes to Nora Fernwood!" Oscar says congrats and then does the worm out the door, becky follows with a series of pirouettes. Though Sophie is mad her face is so red it makes her look like a pig in a wig. "She doesn't even want to be on the team!" she shouts in rage "Do you want to be on the team Nora?" asks one of the ladies. You look at Isador his face looks really disheartened.....
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