The Life of Nora

You decided to go to athletics with your best friends, at athletics there is alot of people from your school, such as, Elmira Mako, Scarlett Biscotti, Sephina Ramshaw, Olive Rowlings, Lina Heels, Olaf Rufolo, Trent Fitzgerald, Gaven Howe, Avery Hays, Cambell Shuttleworth, Steb Jones, Rihart Edwards, Lauren Cater, Hannah Mullins and Rube Kelly.

You walk over to your friends and start stretching, you're all chatting when you are called to do some sprints. "On your marks!" the loud speaker calls "Get set! GO!" You run as fast as you can to the other side of the track, suddenly you remember you forgot to do up one of your shoelaces. You look down at your feet, BOOM! BAM! CRASH! You trip over and land flat on your face, everyone is looking at you it is extremely embarrassing......
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