The Punisher

Your friends can't believe that you just saved them, they are all execlarated. Jennifer especially she runs up to you and you catch her in your arms she hugs you for a few seconds before you trow her off of you and walk out the door. You go back home and get more guns and the rest of the equipment. You walk out your door and see two people in a bloody fist fight one looking like he Is about to kill the other. You walk over and pick up the one was about to kill the other and throw him in a back alley. You pick up the other and say are you alright he says yeah, you say good because you won't be as you take out your barbed-wire bat and hit him in the face with it, it feels so good you want to do it again and again, but you stop your self, if you kill every one you see you will be just as good as the dirty scumbags that retuned this city in the first place. You are too tired t fight tonight, you go back home, Jennifer is standing out your house with a six pack, she says I bare got to thank you for saving my life today, you invite her inside and drain the six pack with her and move on to some harder stuff, by the next morning you don't remember anything the happened you look over and see the last night was a good night

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