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Just an Ordinary Day in the Life of an Ordinary Girl

The first few miles went by in total silence. You notice your hands are slightly trembling on the steering wheel and your mind is feverishly trying to come up with an answer to the question that is troubling you: Why don't I remember?

You remember leaving your apartment very early this morning. You recall almost forgetting to lock the front door and going back to check, just in case. But the reason for this trip... it's one black space in your memory. And the harder you try to remember, the more it seems to escape from your grasp. Like when you wake up and try to remember what you dreamt last night, and you feel you're so close, that it's just beneath the surface of your mind, but at the same time you feel it slipping away and you know for sure that the memory of it is lost forever.

Am I losing my mind, literally? you wonder, close to panicking.

Your passenger has kept awefully quiet and you sneak a quick glance at the seat next to you. He is staring back at you without blinking. It is almost unnatural, robot-like, those cool piercing eyes in an expressionless, motionless face.

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