The Haunted School

You walk away from the rest of the group. One of the teachers, a tall, imposing man with long hair and a goatee glances up and watches you go. His gaze skips over you and toward the long hallway in front of you. It is hard to be sure, but it looks like there is anxiety on his face as he watches you go. No matter. He says nothing.

The hallway is long and pitch black. You hear the bathroom before you see it-a water fountain comes to life as you walk by, creating a sudden electric buzz where none had been previously. The bathroom is on your left. There are no lights. The only illumination comes from the entry way. You move to open the door on the left, the one marked for your gender, but something holds you back. You sense that someone is already in the bathroom that you are about to enter. You place your ear against the door. Nothing. You look down at the bottom of the door. No lights are on in the room. It must be empty. Who would sit in the dark of an empty bathroom? Still, you feel uneasy.

What do you do?
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