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A Renaissance Nightmare

Fuck it. You eat the shrooms. You start to chew, and the taste of bark and dirt sits on your tongue. As you swallow, you feel the mushrooms drag along the side of your throat. You take a swig of honey jack to get rid of the flavor, and pass the bottle to Noraa.
You don’t even walk ten steps before you start to feel a tingling in your feet and arms
“Dude, these shrooms are badass! I can already feel them,” you exclaim, but you turn to notice that Noraa is gone. “Noraa?!” you scream. There is a long silence.
Suddenly, you hear Noraa’s voice, “I’m over here!” But it appears to come from every direction. You’re not sure where to turn.
Then you notice that the voice is coming from the trees. But how are the trees speaking with Noraa’s voice? Your head is spinning. You feel like you’re going to collapse, but your feet are planted.


You notice that your feet are now completely underground. Your legs buckle together, and your hair follicles begin oozing sap – tree sap! The sap hardens and turns into bark.

You’re so light-headed; it’s hard to understand what’s going on. You hold your breath…
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