The Story of A Chinese-American (ACWM)
The missionary is as good as his word. He gives you a small shack to the side of his house, and has you work on his farm during the day. On weekends, he invites you to eat dinner with him and his family to practice your English. After continuing several years in this fashion, in 1859 you have earned enough money to start a small business doing laundry. With your connection to the missionary and your decent English skills, you are able to purchase the space for a shop without much trouble. This continues until May of 1861, when you hear that the Southern states have seceded from the Union, and that President Lincoln is calling for volunteers. Grateful to the Union for your economic prosperity, you consider joining the call.
Do stay at your laundry business or join the Union Army?
Do stay at your laundry business or join the Union Army?