Explicit Pokemon Adventures

You chose Bulbasaur

Pr.Author: "Ohh, so Bulbasaur is your choice. You made the right the decision there. It is the seed Pokemon; Bulbasaur can be seen napping in bright sunlight. There is a seed on its back. By soaking up the sun’s rays, the seed grows progressively larger."

Bulbasaur: The Seed Pokemon. |Male/Level 5/Unique|

Garry: "Oh well if your going to choose Bulbasaur I guess my only option is Charmander"
You depart with Garry from the lab and you begin walking back, however Garry stops you dead in your track.

Garry: "Yo Red, let's battle!....aah come on, you know you want too. How bout this, if you win, I will give you head. If I win I get head. How bout it?"

You have 1 choice:

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