that interactive story I still care about

Look at this manly pick! You may be a wee bit short and a little young to wear a suit and take it seriously, but that's why you've got, as a part of the outfit, -Cool Shades- and -Nice Shoes-, and for whenever you feel like having it on a -Black Fedora-.

These didn't belong to you when you boarded the ship- you found where they keep the luggage, and eventually got bored enough to look through other people's stuff... But, it certainly wasn't stealing!! You don't steal things, no no, that's not something you do. You took the time to go around and ask every person on the ship if it was okay for you to keep the entire outfit. None of them denied...

So, now it's yours. And, you guess, that's pretty great. You certainly love any and all clothes, no matter the gender they're 'meant for', but find this a very cool, classy look.

Would you like to put this on?
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