Surviving a zombie apocalypse

Status: curious

You turn on the TV and flip some channels until you arrive at BAN (Bad As News).

Female Reporter: Welcome to Bad As News, or BAN for short. Little John, tell us about today's news

Male Reporter: OK, Robin. (Displays a video of your neighborhood and the chaos you had seen before) Today, a Class 3 zombie outbreak has just started! Broken cars are everywhere, most shops, especially the important ones, including every mall, had been closed. Townzens are running for their lives. (Displays a townzen that begins a usual conversation)

Townzen: The town has b... AAH! A zombie! Better run for it!

Male reporter: That's all for today morning. I recommend you to pack your stuff, including weapons and rations, and leave your residences as soon as possible. You should go to a military base (10 miles from the character's house) and offer protection!

You turn off the TV, persuaded. Now you...

You have 1 choice:

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