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Suzy’s Strange Saga

You might as well continue to Julie’s house. Going back home is just prolonging the inevitable. Also if your sister shows up at Julie’s, you’d like to give her a piece of your mind about her just ditching you like that.

Your walk to Julie’s slowly starts to become a worrisome endeavor. You see several fights along with a number of other officers arresting folks. You also see a couple of bad car accidents. While you try to avoid large groups of people, you’re still in the danger zone of what almost seems like chaos on the streets. Those two asshole cops weren’t joking when one of them said it seemed like the entire town had lost its mind.

As you quicken your pace to Julie’s in an attempt to get through this madness quicker, a large teenager that’s running from something runs right into you while he’s turning a corner. The pair of you fall on the sidewalk.

You’re a little dazed, but before you can even recover the teenager is upon you.

“You stupid fucking bitch! Gimme yo’ shit!” he shouts and punches you in the face and then proceeds to attempt to rip your backpack from you, though he’s having a hard time seeing as it’s firmly strapped to your back.

The teenager gets frustrated and stops trying to rob you and then just seems to be focused on abusing you. You feel several kicks going into your side and then your face. You plead for him to stop and curl up into a ball, but he’s not even listening, it’s like he’s possessed or something because he actually starts laughing.

“There’s that motherfucker!” A voice shouts. You don’t see who it is due to you being curled up and having your eyes closed wishing you were elsewhere, but you soon feel the weight of several someones stepping and falling all over you. The pursuers of your assailant have caught up to him and you are now unfortunately being crushed in the resulting dogpile.

You desperately attempt to crawl away feeling the pain of several fists, elbows, knees and feet randomly hitting you in the process. You just want to be home.

You manage to crawl out from under the pile and then scramble away as fast as you can only to stumble on your bruised wobbly legs in the middle of the street. It is then where your luck only gets worse when a speeding truck slams into your body which goes flying a few feet in front of the truck only THEN to be run completely over by the same truck which doesn’t stop at all.

Your misery is put to an end under the heavy weight of the truck’s tires causing the innards from your mangled body to squeeze out like a tube of toothpaste and painting the street red.
End Of Story