Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Do you have the guts to kill for love?

Smiling back at Katrina you agree, and soon enough you are both in you're car on the six hour drive to the countryside!

In the car, Katrina babbles on happily about wedding arrangements and how her and Trace were stuck over going to London or Fiji for their honeymoon. You stick to you're standard, 'uh-Huh' and 'sounds perfect darling' responses, feeling you're blood boiling underneath you're skin, you're hands having a death grip on the steering wheel.

Once you arrive at the motel you're both staying at you retire to you're joined rooms, to freshen up.
Sitting in you're room you let out a frustrated sound and punch you're pillow, silently mimicking Katrina.

You can feel you're body vibrating with emotions, ugly ones mostly.. Ones to get rid of Katrina for good.. Shaking you're head you take a deep breathe.
Suddenly there is a knock on you're door, and it's pulled open to reveal Katrina in her purple bikini showing of her thin figure, her long blonde hair pulled into a high pony tail, her green eyes sparking. "Slow poke! You aren't ready for the pool yet, you're just like Trace" she says looking over you're attire and letting out a giggle,

You're in no mood anymore to spend time with Katrina, it just puts you in a terrible mood.. But maybe.. Maybe this six days will help you 'accidentally get rid of' Katrina...

What do you do?
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