
You picked up the scroll and opened it. Inside was a letter:

Dear Starlight,

I am so glad you read this scroll! Yes, I know we trapped you in a dark room because you are Queen Dana's long-lost daughter! I'm so glad to finally meet you! We apologize for trapping you in a dark room but don't worry, one of our butlers or maids will find the light switch for you. In case you forgot, we cooked pancakes with butter for you! It's right beside the scroll, in case you are hungry. Well, nice meeting you, bye!


"Huh?" You wonder aloud. Queen Dana? Autumn? Starlight? What? You wonder in your mind. You are entirely confused, and many, many, things are circling in your mind. What is all this? You wonder again. I guess you are in luck because you are gonna be rescued from this creepy/spooky room.

You hear a door creak open. Light comes out, and two maids enter. "Oh, my! Aren't you Starlight, Queen Dana's long-lost daughter?" one of the maids said in a grandmother-like voice. You see her hair in a slight gray color, but there are still some black highlights in her hair.

You don't know what to say.
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