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His Little Secret

Stacy. Perfect Stacy, with long silky hair and big green eyes and flawless skin. They were dating, but it was all a front. And they were just casually dating.Or so Brody claimed. You weren't sure what to think. You are a nice person but even you find it hard to deny that Stacy is a cold, mean person.You know you should feel bad for being with Brody behind her back, but you do not.Even so, you know it is wrong. And Brody walks all over you. Yet you hope he will change his ways.“I’ll be up until eleven if you want to call me later...” You say, before you turn and walk away.

It's almost eleven. You're sitting up in your room, listening to music. Brody has not called yet. But there's still time. Five minutes to be precise. Not that you've been watching the clock. You've been watching the time pass by on your cell. Your life should not revolve around Brody. Although sometimes you get the feeling that it does. You love him, but you're not sure if he loves you too. Even if he really likes you or if he's just using you.
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