Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold

Omega In Vain

The reformed Beta Team heads to the city of Navang, as directed by Biggs. A heavily guarded city, Navang boasts some of the highest buildings and a place with a lot of hideouts. It has good water reservoir that helps the city maintain its cleanliness. A huge fountain is its center of attraction. People also enjoy the expensive parks and recreational areas that the city has to offer. It was a beautiful getaway place that a tourist can enjoy. Omega Team patrols this prized area. It is spearheaded by Drix, a huge guy who has knacks for battle and is very supportive. Beta Team just arrives in time for some preparation.

"Drix! It's good to see you after such a while." Raz exclaimed happily after not seeing Drix in a long time.
"Raz! It's good to see you here as well. What brings you here in Navang?" Drix asked with such excitement.
"Biggs instructed me and Nicole to defend this area along with your group. He said that Jeffrey's forces are heading here and attacking this city. Are there additional reports out here?" Raz asked as he looks around.
"Yes. I had some of my men scout the outskirts of the city. Jeffrey's forces is headed by one of his commanders named Almon and are most likely heading to the second entrance of Navang and attack us from there. It's good to know that he sent you out here. We can really use additional manpower to push them back." Drix replied.
"Yeah. This is probably our replacement mission after failing to defend Karuhat village a couple of days ago." Nicole said while both men looked at the second entrance.
"Don't worry about that. Let's just focus on the mission. We can do this!" Drix said.
"Roger that!" Raz and Nicole said.

Almon's forces oversees the city from the forests. They went to the front gates and called them out.

"SOLDIER operatives listen up. I have come to make a negotiation with you. Surrender your city to us or face terror. Do it now or we'll show no mercy when we don't get what we want!" Almon shouted out loud using a megaphone.
"Who are we to surrender that easily? SOLDIER never surrenders. SOLDIER stands by honor and we will fight for that. You won't take this city easily." Drix shouted back from the other side of the gate.
"We can do this the easy way, kid. You simply surrender this and we will make no harm. You won't lose forces. We need this city." Almon persists.
"And what reason would you need our city? We need our city as well. If you want it, then take us the hard way, kid." Drix replied.
"So be it. You will regret to face another day of your life! Prepare to be shown no mercy!" Almon ended as he puts down the megaphone and starts to rush the city.

Almon's forces then charged into the back entrance. Beta and Omega Teams rushed in to prevent them from entering the back. The first wave of rebels were successful in destroying the back entrance and infiltrated the city. Despite their easy effort in destroying the back entrance, they were easily squashed.

"Tss. That was only a taste. You haven't seen the real power of my men!" Almon boastfully said.
"Oh yeah? Come whatever may." Drix challenging Almon's forces.

The second wave came in, much tougher opponents. This time, their scouts on the towers were killed due to ravaging speeds of the behemoths. Once again, SOLDIER came out victorious.

"How's that for SOLDIER?" Drix confidently boasts.
"Pfft. You came out victorious again. The next wave will be a lot stronger and this time, you'll lose your city to us!" Almon issuing another challenge to SOLDIER.

So the third wave came in. Tougher opponents than the last one. Both teams had to focus first on the archers as its poison bolts can transform a SOLDIER operative into a bioterrorist. Some of their men transformed into such and they were forced to kill them or they'll be killed too. Regardless, they won again.

"Bah. That's it. This time you will lose for good. My last brethren will be the death of SOLDIER!" Almon prepares the final wave of rebels. He reluctantly joins in the fray.

The fourth and final wave came in. With Almon joining in, Drix mocks the rebel for they'll still be squashed even if their commander joined with them. Instead of heading to the back, Almon's elite destroyed the front entrance while some of his brethren went to the back as distraction. Beta Team rushed into the front while Omega Team holds the back. Due to numerous opponents and back-to-back reinforcements, Drix immediately called for help. Drix's overconfident attitude got the best of him.

"SOLDIER! This is Drix, head of Omega Team. We need back up at Navang right now! There's too many to handle! Over." Drix announced on his walkie talkie calling out for reinforcements whilst battling monsters.

Afterwards, a backup of a small group of SOLDIER operatives helped in killing the rebels. Nicole used up all her ammo and discarded her submachine gun. She used her pistol instead. Raz got injured as well. Though the reinforcements were wiped out, it helped in killing the large monsters. Almon was eventually all up to his own against Nicole and Drix.

"You're now by yourself. Trapped and drenched in the prized city of Navang, you failed to conquer us." Drix exclaimed as they stand face-to-face in the center of the city. Almon realizes his forces are wiped out.
"My efforts won't be in vain. I will kill the three of you!" Almon insists as he draws his long dagger.

Raz stayed back tending his wounds while Nicole and Drix fought Almon. Almon's quickness dodged the bullets of Nicole while fighting Drix. Nicole used her pistol ammo as well and she fought bare-handed. Almon stunned Drix and knocked him down. He does a punch combo to Nicole and kicks her to the canvas. The kick put Nicole down for an amount of time and Almon focuses on Drix. Drix jumped at Almon but he dodged it. Almon does a roundhouse slash and he missed too. Drix lunges and Almon side steps in time to miss it. Almon thrusts his elbows at Drix's back and he gets knocked again. An exhausted Drix slowly stood up and Almon grabbed him by his clothes.

"SOLDIER has failed countless times. You're absolutely a puppet of such group. Don't ever test me, 'kid'." Almon arrogantly said as he continues to lift Drix.
"I can say the same to you. Why have you been trying to recover your pods? You need more clones? Your men failed and so you are part of that failure. A puppet of Jeffrey who is tasked to do his dirty doings. How's that?" Drix replied angrily.
"Don't mock me! You don't know what we have been through! I'll make you pay for that at the cost of your life!" Almon exclaimed.
"Come what may. I am ready." Drix boldly said as he managed to break free of Almon's grasp.
"So smug but for how long?" Almon looks on and another duel commenced.

Drix pushed him and lunges forward but he nearly kills him. Almon elbows him from the head that stunned him. Almon pierces his sword at the downed Drix and he died. Raz was shocked and sensed that Almon would kill Nicole next. Raz tried to crawl desperately to save Nicole. Nicole goes back further and she was helpless. Finally, Raz got his sword and before Almon hit his final blow on Nicole, he was pierced and fell to the canvas.

"Oh! Thank you, Raz! I thought I was done for." Nicole scared yet happy that Raz saved her life.
"It's ok. We are badly injured. We need to get back to HQ immediately." Raz said in a stuttering voice.
"But... Drix?" Nicole said as she looks at the corpse of Drix.
"There's no time to grieve. We lost Drix." Raz looked at Drix while tending his arm and leg.
"He died with honor, Raz." Nicole exclaimed.
"Yes. We'll talk about this in the HQ. Right now, let's clear the area and call SOLDIER again to send us to HQ." Raz said as he calls SOLDIER.

Soon, the van came in. They were helped by the medics and were given some first aid to reduce the pain they've accumulated during the war. Raz and Nicole sit beside each other and patted each other's back after a gruesome battle.

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