The Big 1

You take the letter and throw it away you want no more to do with the hunting game these crazed individuals play. You crumple the paper in a ball and toss it in the trash.

Just then you hear the phone ring. You answer the phone it's Jo-Jo the circus clown and he has heard about what has happened to his sister and he tells you he is going to hunt you down.

Hour pass the you hear a weird horn blow you look out and see a small car park in your drive way. 20 clowns pile out of the car and they are carrying bowling pins and other weird things such as pies and flowers that squirt when you go to smell them.

This can't be for real but you see the mad look on their faces and then it hits you you are releived that this is just a story on a computer web site that you are reading.

But what scares you most is when you find a big red clown nose under your bed........[Go on look.]
End Of Story