Whose Throne Is It, Anyway?

Pausing only to make sure your "random thoughts" pen and paper are nearby on the end table, you open the envelope with more anticipation than any of the fops that got invitations in "The Count of Monte Cristo". The paper is hand-made, and the words are written by quill and ink, with the tell-tale ink drops and the few stray grains of pounce pot sand left in the envelope. Whoever penned this document clearly was not fucking around.

"Greetings, potential ascendant to the throne of TV Land!" it reads. "The following original document is numbered to you individually, so that your answers may be recognized as yours and only yours. Send them back quickly by return mail, and I shall decide personally whether or not you shall be the next King of TV Land and replace me! My lawyers have assured me that I have taken every necessary step to keep the corporate douchebags at bay, so you can rest assured that your future crown is safe. So, without further ado, here is your questionnaire, based on 'Whose Line Is It, Anyway?' that will determine your comedy fitness and general ability to succeed me on my throne. Please use only black ink to check the boxes of your answers."

A quick glance to your end table confirms - like any true writer - the presence of your BIC with black ink. You return your gaze to the paper for your first question...

"Welcome to 'Whose Line Is It, Anyway?': the show where everything's made up and the points don't matter. That's right, the points are like..."

The options are written below the question, with small boxes for you to ostensibly check the best answer.
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