Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The Shadow Games

You have had enough! You rush the figure and somehow catch it off guard in the midst of its mirth. You pound it hard into the dirt.

It lies still for a moment then furiosly pops up into the air and comes down on your shoulders w/ a hard chop. You think you hear bones crack.

You fall to your knees in pain and before you can recover the thing is on you again. It comes in like a flash, knees you hard in the abdomen, and kicks you to the side w/ its other leg.

You hit the dirt and crumple into a pile. The beast laughs harshly and stands over you mockingly. You have a feeling it is all about to be over. "No!" you tell yourself. "I will not die like this! Not after what this thing has done. I promise you family evil will not triumph and go unpunished!"

You let your emotions flow and pour out into your fighting. When all is said and done nothing is left of the creature. Nothing.

You collapse to your knees; exhausted. Then suddenly you noticed the burning remains of what appears to be some sort of parchment.

You scramble to it and put the flames out. You squint to see what it says and receive quite a shock.

You have 1 choice:

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