Gender changing adventure


You try to avoid the stab and you are succesful!

The man with the dagger, having tried to stab you, now is imbalanced: in that moment you kick his leg and him falls on the floor loosing is dagger.
Then you try to take the dagger but him, holding your leg, makes you fall on the floor too.

Fighting with him you try to punch his face but he deflect the attack and he counterattack hitting your eyelash. Suddenly you try to stand up but him, gripping hardly your chest, jumps on you pinning you down.

"It's time to finish this" he said while taking from a pocket of his coat another pair of panties. He then punches your nose and, standing up, throws the panties on your abdomen.

Stunned by the hit, covering your nose, you sense the panties that snaking rapidly to your crotch area as if they are alive. In a moment they are on their objective: you sense them twining gently on your penis, opening themselves on a side and, once fully weared, re-closing. You look down: your crotch area is now fully covered by the panties.

"You have lost your war" said the man, leaving the room and locking the door behind him. You stand up trying to follow him but..

... in the panties hold their grip on your crotch squeezing your balls. Soon after you sense, as before, a little tendril that, once rapidly twined on your pole, violently enters in your meatus causing a great pain inside your gland...
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