Demon Trouble

You open the door . It is rather heavy and cold at your touch.
When it is finally open, you hear a laughter resounding from the darkness within. You have no idea what is going on and you start to feel like you should have followed Kiru to school.
The laughing voice slowly approaches you. Out of the carvernous shadows comes an elegant lady. She has long silken silvery hair. the kimono she wears is stained red and her eyes are black. But what shocks you isn't her laughter totally diffrent from the helpless maiden you heard no it is the large black bat-like wings that shock you.
She flies towards you surrveying you with a somewhat amused glance and she says,"Are you the one who freed me?"
You nod not trusting your voice and she says,"I am Maou. What is your name."
"I...I... I'm Iwakuada Eiki*,"You answer stuttering.
Her eyes turn cold and she glares at you "So you are HIS descendant. I am not so surprised I should have guess. Prepare for battle Iwakuada**!"she shouts grasping a sword out of thin air.
(*Japanese names are said First names last and last names first.
**Maou calles him by his last name because it is costumary to call people who aren't close to you by their last names.)
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