Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Demon Trouble

Kiru looks at you expecting an answer and you know you can't lie to him. What kind of best friend would you be if you did?
"I had this really weird dream that someone was asking me to help and when I woke up, well I guess I just didn't realize the time sorry Kiru,"you answer.
"Oh. Well, let's just hurry up! I can't afford to be any later Asahi-sensei* will kill me if I do so let's hurry up!" Kiru exclaims starting to run down the stairs towards the door and school.
Quickly you too start to run when you're only a few minuets away from school you start to hear a voice it whispears," Come to me... open the me..."
You look around there is no door! Only a dark creepy looking alley. Could the voice be comeing from there? Kiru who saw you stop turned around and shoutes," Come on Eiki hurry up!"
Should you call him or go to the scary alley alone?
*Asahi-sensei means Professor Asahi
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