Reality Shift

"There you are!" said Vince. He had been standing in Hub Central for the past twenty minutes, trying to look like he meant to be there. "I was hoping you'd find me here! Your house is password protected. No one can enter if you're not around."

Isaac had been downloaded back into the server, so that Trent could be uploaded back into his body. He still had little idea what had actually transpired, although Evan promised to create a book explaining everything inside his house. Apparently, the Post-Humanist revolution hadn't uploaded all of humanity into digital form, like the history files had led them to believe. Evan, Trent, and the others were responsible for server maintenance, among other things.

Well, that made more sense than technology that could repair itself from any outside interference. Still, it made one wonder about the nature of reality. Was life as a file inside the server real? Was the real world yet another server, only the inhabitants had no admin privleges? It made Isaac's head hurt.

"Dude, you would never believe what just happened," said Isaac, shaking his head.

"Uh, I bet I would," Vince replied. "All I know is that you uploaded into a username, and then a Godlike voice that claimed to be you started talking inside my head. I think that I would believe pretty much anything you tell me."

"I... okay, that's fair," conceded Isaac. "Anyway, let's head back to my house, first." Isaac typed Door==#Isaac's_Bitchin_Sweet_House_Hell_Yeah into the monitor, and headed home.

"Whoa, dude, what the hell?" Vince's jaw dropped as he looked around. What had once been a reasonably-sized living space now had vast amounts of white space attached. "When the hell did you get all of this server space?"

"It's my reward," said Isaac, laughing at his surprise. "I'll tell you everything that happened. And then you and I are going to turn it into a simulation. Dude, we are going to be famous."
End Of Story