Reality Shift

Isaac decided not to make a huge scene, for Isaac's sake. It was bad enough that he'd stolen his body. How would he like it if someone were to take over his life for a day?

The woman hummed to herself as she reapplied the wiring to his temples. Isaac drummed his fingers as the woman began to make adjustments to the screen. The pod room with Vince disappeared, and was replaced by a similar room with an old man in it. "Alistair is already in the other server, waiting for you," she explained, when she noticed that Isaac was watching her.

"By the way..." she said, turning to face him with a smile. "I know you're not really Trent." Isaac tried to jump out of the chair, but a jolt of electricity raced across his body. A blinding whiteness burned his senses as he screamed in pain. When the feeling subsided, he found himself laying on the floor, curled in the fetal position.

"I wouldn't recommend doing that," she said, laughing at him. "I really do owe you thanks. Alistair and I had no idea that Trent suspected anything. But it looks like Trent's distraction was too flashy. He couldn't slip away fast enough, and you took his getaway vehicle out from under him. Don't worry, kid. We'll restore you from your last backup point. I mean, sure, I have to delete this instance of you... but in a way, it's like you never really died.

Isaac cringed, bracing himself for another wave of sharp, piercing pain. Instead, he felt nothing but a relaxing calm. As the darkness enveloped reality, he oddly felt at peace with the world. With one last sigh, Isaac drifted off into oblivion.
End Of Story