Zombie Apocalypse.

You arrive as the sun begins to emerge over the horizon. It's day seven of the zombie apocalypse, you have been through thick and thin, you've killed people, you've been hurt, you've been frightened, and you've been miles and miles away from home, and now it has finally paid off. You just hope that it's not too late... that there are still airplanes yet to evacuate the area...

Two men in radiation jumpsuits greet you with tools and strange instruments created for the sole purpose of detecting zombie viral infections. Once they confirm that you aren't infected, you watch in awe as the giant gates into the airport open. You head into the terminal with the least amount of passengers. You don't know where it's going, and you don't care. The airport staff knows that all the airplanes lead to zombie-free zones. That's all that matters.

As you walk down the long dimly-lit aisle of the jumbo jet, you begin reminiscing of all that's happened to you. You think to yourself, "I shouldn't even be alive. I think I'm dead." And you are dead... emotionally. Everyone you ever knew is miles away or zombie food. You think about every day of the zombie apocalypse.
Think about when you used your physical advantages to survive.
Think about when you were at the sanctuary with your partners.
Remember when you're teammates lost their trust in you, and remember when they gained it back.
Remember the struggles you faced in the inner city, and the terrors that awaited in the country. Remember getting lost in the desert and losing all hope.

You've gone through a life time of stress in just the past few days, and now it's finally over. You take your seat as the plane begins to take off. You regain a shred of hope once you realize that you're starting a new life now. You're free forever from the threat of zombies, in fact, you think you might have heard rumors of a cure over the intercom of the airplane.

You would survive the zombie apocalypse.
"Gold Medal Achieved"
(Ending 2 of 3)
End Of Story