Catharsis of Cthulhu

The march to the launch bay is worrisome in its loneliness. Not a sound is heard through the echoing corridors aside from your own footsteps out of time with Doctor Hall's. You thought you were used to the ship being empty and lonely, but the smell of death and destruction is so thick in the air that it is beginning to shake your resolve.

You reach the launch bay too quickly, Hall's march focused and fast. He doesn't stop to glance in the direction of the twisted metal of destroyed exploration vessels, undoubtedly wrecked during some manner of confrontation between the infected and the healthy. The hull creaks threateningly.

"This one looks undamaged," Hall calls over his shoulder as he reaches an escape pod on the far side of the bay. He presses a button to the right of the pod and it's door opens quietly with a hissing of hydraulics.

You pop open the compartment in your wrist as you turn your back to Doctor Hall. You flick open a lighter you've been carrying with you for the past few days and prepare to destroy the sample. You are stopped by a hand on your arm.

"What do you think you're doing?" Hall growls.

"This sample could be dangerous to other humans. We cannot risk infecting our rescuers by taking it with us," you say quietly, hoping you don't sound too rebellious.

"Are you mad? This is a completely new organism! Unknown to mankind. It could be the scientific discovery of our century! You are unharmed by it. You should keep it in that compartment and don't worry about it," Hall commands, obviously not willing to hear any argument.
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