Catharsis of Cthulhu

You make your way back to Doctor Hall.

His vital signs are steady and coming to you from the Engine Room with Randal John's. You don't feel Dahlik's life signs and, looking back through your logs, you find that it disappeared about forty-five minutes ago.

You pick up the pace and eventually make it back to the two Doctors.

You meet no resistance as you make your way to the center of the ship. You suspect that there are no crew members left alive after your frequent tromps through the halls.

After only a short time, you reach the Engine Room door and knock. The door immediately opens, with no inquiry as to your identity to reveal a haggard, desperate looking, blood splattered Doctor John.

"23, oh god, 23! Please, you have to help us! We have to get out of this room! The tentacles, they're all over, I can't -"

John was holding onto your shoulders and shaking you when his head seeming explodes on his shoulders. You turn to look calmly at Doctor Hall where he stands propped up in the corner. A smoking pistol stands in his hand, still pointed where John's head had been.

You silently let Doctor John's body fall to the floor in front of you. Once it does, you are able to see Dahlik's body just behind John.

It seems that she took around three shots to the gut before going down.

"23, did you get the sample?" Hall asks, his eyes haunted in a way you had not yet seen them.

"Yes, sir," you answer quietly, holding out your wrist and opening the catch.

A look of pain flashes over Doctor Hall's face before he seems to reign it in and over come it.

"Good," he struggles out. "Now, we have to leave."

You are surprised, but feel you do a good job of stopping it from appearing across your usually stoic face.

"Come on. Help me get to the Launch Bay."

You have 1 choice:

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