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Shadows on Water

Huan Tan lies lifeless on the ground and his horse has bolted.

"What in hell are you doing, sir, leave him be, he's dead!" shouts Ling.

Arrows whir through the air and stab into trees all about.

"That bloody pendant! Get for cover!"

The jade pendant is back in your hands, and you do as Ling says, getting the right side of a broad trunk.

"Dismount! We do not leave him to the bandits! Dismount and take cover!"

Ling and Chen do as you order. Behind your tree you hold the pendant in front of you, looking through its central hole, the hole in heaven and earth.

"Down in the Yellow Springs he is now, and there's no getting him back," shouts Ling from his tree ten metres away.

"We can recover the body though, and must in accordance with our orders," you shout.

"And how do you plan to do that."

"Don't know."

"Rain's coming," says Chen.

Clearly you are out of the line of sight of the archers arrows, but they can move around without fear of being struck, and you cannot. You hear chatter in the trees, evidently they are planning their attack.

"I say we make a break for it down hill. They won't get a clear shot in if we weave in and out," bawls Ling.

"Shout louder Ling, those who are trying to kill us may not have heard our plan!"

Ling's plan seems the best option, but perhaps you can wait them out somehow.
What are your orders?

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