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Shadows on Water

You settle down on a fern bank and are soon soundly asleep.

A sleep rudely awakened by thunder and a sudden downpour of rain. You retreat back into the forest and huddle under a tree, which affords little shelter at all. The rain is relentless all night. Pain, tiredness, and extreme discomfort leave you moaning to yourself and uselessly shouting at the storm.

Daybreak brings new clarity to your mind. Your adventures of the day before now seem folly, and were it not for the searing pain in your leg it would all seem a dream.

You set off back the way you came. Back home. To and fro goes the way. Slight digressions from the path, you say to yourself, can happen. But one must turn back in time.

Further up into the hills you here men's calls. Instinctively you crouch behind a tree. As the voices grow louder you recognize them, it is Fang and Chen calling your name.

"Huan Tan! Return to us! Huan Tan!"

"Over here!" you shout. You are overjoyed to see familiar faces.

Then somehow you are thrown off your feet. An arrow is embedded deep in your chest. The archers followed Fang.

To and fro goes the way, but it is no cause for remorse or sorrow.

You have 1 choice:

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