Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The Gamble of ....DEATH

There are now 4 bullets and 3 people left. Only one person has been set free. The man takes the gun and points it at #3 who you realy don't care about, but this death would still be wrong. His chance is slim as there are 4 out of six bullets in the gun. The man points the gun.......BLAM! All hope is gone.

You look at your mother as she is next she cries and pleads as the man takes the gun and loads one other bullet now has a 1 in 6 chance of living. He points the gun, she screams.........BLAM. Her screams fall silent.

The man reloads putting 5 into the gun as he points at the masked number 4. You wonder who this poor soul will be.
He pulls the Nothing! This person has defeated the odds! The masked person is untied and the mask comes's Sarah mom! She is set free as she cries for her daughter.

The man reloads the gun."We are done!" you yell. Indeed you are. You are set free. "What about Sarah?" Well she is next to play.......NEXT TIME MUAHAHAHA!

1-Mom ----DEAD
2-Best friend Joey----FREE
4-Sarah's Mom----FREE

Sarah----Part III?
End Of Story