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You haul Art up and open the door. A zombie is elbow deep in the waist of a girl from your Trignometry class. You swallow backe your bile and move as quietly as possible to the elvator, unable to keep your eyes off the grisly site.
You hit the button carefully. It pings as it opens and the zombies head jerks up and it sees you, its white eyes feral and animilistic. Dead.
You shove Art into the elevator and follow. The zombie has moved and stick his arms in as the doors are closed. Before he forces the doors back open, the elvator travels down. The limb is severed and drops to the floor.
You pant heavily in the silence. The door pings open and you curse wildly.
You move forward a pace and slide under the table. The zombie misses and carrens into the elevator. You bite your lip for a moment before Art stumbles out, ducking between the zombies legs. The reanimated woodwork teacher turns to give chase. The elvator doors close and you hear it move away.
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