Project Theta 27

You decide to follow the woman, with her burly assistant following close behind. You exit the room into a long, white hallway with black doors every few feet. Each has a series of numbers on a silver plaque. The you look at them as you walk. D-79... D-80... D-81... You eventually turn a corner and arrive at D-127. The woman gestures to the door and says, "This way, (YOUR NAME HERE)." You are surprised that she knows your name, and stagger forward into the room. It is completely dark and no matter how you try, your eyes cant get adjusted to the light. The door slams shut behind you.

Suddenly a blue laser appears above you, and scans you. A cool, feminine computerized voice speaks out: "Subject Identified as ID 153815." It then goes through a list describing your eye color, weight, height, age, and other things that made you wonder exactly what they had done to you while you were knocked out.
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