Fan Fic: Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?

You gaze up at the Old Windmill, one of the oldest surviving buildings in Brisbane. It was built in the late 1820s by convict labor and used for grinding grains such as wheat and maize. It originally utilized wind-powered rotating sails to mill the grain. Today, it is also known as the Old Windmill Observatory, as the building now houses facilities used for observing meteorological phenomenon.

You look for clues to Sue Aside and the World Cup's whereabouts. After searching fruitlessly for hours at the Old Windmill, you visit other landmarks in the city and ask everyone you see if they have noticed the crook or the loot.

"Are you going to buy something or are you just going to sneak around? No, I haven't seen your friend here or her trophy," a Queen Street Mall cashier caustically replies.

"Sorry, mate. Don't believe I've seen the person you're looking for," answers the Griffith University biology professor.

"I haven't seen anyone who fits that description. Good luck with your search though," the jogger in the South Bank Parklands responds.

Sue Aside is not here. You try another possible location.

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