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IWT5- The Sneeze

Victoria cautiously opened the heavy, wooden door. The panel was far too massive for its frame, and emitted a slow, echoing creak. "Doktor?" she asked, stepping forward into the room.

Cobwebs hung from the ceiling, stretched from pillar to pillar in white, sticky gobs. She instictively put her hand to her face to protect herself; the soft, silky flesh contrasting against her vibrant blonde locks. "Doktor?" she asked again. But her calls went unanswered.

Opening the door at the end of the corridor, she gasped in horror. The entire room was covered in scientific instruments. Fiendish metal tools aligned the wall, their long shafts well hung on the walls. And there, lying flat on the table, was her dear Hans.

Hans would never again lift his burly, tan arms. His solid chest would never again take another breath. That cleft chin, those wide lips, never again would he whisper sweet nothings into her ear. For there, where his curling locks would have been, was a gastly, jagged cut and a gaping hole.

"Do you see what that madman did to me!" called out a familiar voice. Victoria gasped. There, on a nearby cart, was a brain in a jar. Her soft fingers traced a line around her vibrant red lips, held open in a perfect ring. Her strong breath held a steady rhythm as she listened to Hans explain how he had become a brain in a jar.

"Okay, eww, why are we even watching this?" said Anna, turning on the lightswitch as she walked into the room. "I swear, you have the weirdest choice in movies."

"Oh! Anna!" said Rob, straightening in his seat in a hurry. "I didn't think you'd be back so soon. I, err..."

She laughed, finding his awkward squirming humorous. "I told you what I was doing when you dropped me off at my house. I mean, I know you were pretty rattled after that ghost thing, but... C'mon! All I had to do was tell my parents where I was headed in person. It doesn't take that long. That is, if we're still trying to help our friend Jacob?"

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