Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Grape Juice

continue and go to class

first period: AP english

you meet kira, athrun, sai, miriallia, tolle,lacus, kuzzey, cagalli, yzak, and nicol

'so where did you move from?'

'i came from aprillius one, i have to say, this is a pretty big city'

'yeah its one of the biggest cities in ORB' cagalli

'so do any of you guys know a girl named flay?'

'flay? yeah we know her' kira asked a little more perplexed but still continuing with composure 'but why?'

'oh no reason i was just curious why wha..*ring*

'hmm well thats the bell' kira said alittle anxiously 'hey guy lets go you have gym next right?'


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