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Tales From The Basement

It's probably not the best pick of all possible choices, but Kelly is the only one who has a real job and constantly working. Surely she'd be in the best position to help you, though even now you're shuddering of what you might have to put up with to gain her help, even if she choices to do so.

Cautiously you head to her room where you find her resting on her bed with her eyes closed.

"Go away Peter! I told you before you're NOT doing a documentary on me!" Kelly says without looking up.
"Uh, it's not Peter, it's me Suzy."

Kelly instantly sits up to take notice of this revelation. She doesn't make a move towards you, but it's obvious she isn't happy about you disturbing her. You haven't been out of the basement for awhile, so you haven't seen here lately, but Kelly is sporting some heavy duty scars and looking a little more muscular than when you last saw.

"You? What the fuck do you want? Get out." Kelly demands
"But I just want to talk to you for a moment about something."
"You deaf or just fucking stupid? Bitch I said get out!"
"But I wanted advice on how to get a job."
"(Snort) You want a job? Little Miss priss wants to get a job? I can't believe I'm hearing this! Ha ha! Do you even have any skills? Shit, you're still a virgin. You probably wouldn't even make a good whore. Just go back to the basement and hide out from the real world. It's what you're best at."

You pause for a moment before answering.

"Why have you always so mean to me? I've never done anything to you."
"Oh no? You were Mom's perfect little angel that did what she was told and never had to do anything more than that. Me? I got nothing, but shit from Mom, just because I wasn't what her so called standard of womanhood was supposed to be. Yet I also had to do most of the work around here as well as look out for you to make sure someone didn't rape your naïve ass. Your mere existence did something to me!"
"Mom was just trying to instill guidelines for how we should behave. She was just looking out for us. What's wrong with that?"
"Yeah, yeah, and following her guidelines has really served you well eh? A complete fucking recluse that can't function on her own."
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