Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

egg soup

You float around, devouring tiny pieces of reality left and right. Of course each one contains an infinite number of all sensations, so eating them doesn't really do anything different, except alternately lacerate your insides and coat them with sugary continuum.

They also have the side effect of massively altering and expanding your consciousness in a fundamental way with every new ingestion. So they're kind of like hallucinogenic mushrooms, except they're not mushrooms, and you're not hallucinating, but rather altering the nature of reality with your mind.

You sense a presence taking form behind you. Only you can see in all directions at once now, so by "behind," I mean "from another plane of existence entirely, one beyond even your considerably extended perception."

Oh no, what could it be???? Cthulu? God? The fun police? GlaDOS?!?!
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